If you are playing in an activity, this is some information about it.
Note that we cannot guarantee any of this resembles what ends up in the PGCR in any way. They are sourced by two entirely separate systems with their own logic, and the one we source this data from should be considered non-authoritative in comparison.
Note that we cannot guarantee any of this resembles what ends up in the PGCR in any way. They are sourced by two entirely separate systems with their own logic, and the one we source this data from should be considered non-authoritative in comparison.
Type: object
Object Properties
When the activity started.
Type: date-time
If you're still in it but it "ended" (like when folks are dancing around the loot after they beat a boss), this is when the activity ended.
Type: date-time
This is what our non-authoritative source thought the score was.
Type: float
If you have human opponents, this is the highest opposing team's score.
Type: float
This is how many human or poorly crafted aimbot opponents you have.
Type: int32
This is how many human or poorly crafted aimbots are on your team.
Type: int32